Getting Your Hemp Samples Tested


As one of the only laboratories approved by the USDA to provide hemp testing through the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program, Agrozen Labs can provide you with high-quality, reliable, and efficient hemp testing services. We work hard to ensure that our sample submission process is simple and you get your results as quickly as possible. Learn more about the sample submission process, the Chain of Custody (COC) form, how to read a Certificate of Analysis (COA), and more. If you have any questions about submitting your hemp samples, please feel free to contact us today!

Materials Tested:

  • Biomass

  • Concentrate

  • Edible

  • Isolate

  • Tincture

  • Flower

  • Distillate

  • Topical


Fill Out COC Form

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Send In Sample

417 Ransdell Road, Lebanon, IN 46052

We Complete Testing

24 - 96 hours

Provide Results With COA

see example below


A Chain of Custody form, also called a COC, is used when submitting a sample. This form helps keep your samples organized and ensures that everything is processed accurately. The COC form provides a paper trail that shows the control, transfer, analysis, and more of the samples provided. This form should be filled out with your contact information, material of the sample you are sending in, what you want your sample tested for, your signature, and payment information. You will send the filled out COC form in with your sample.

With our Chain of Custody form, you will be able to request cannabinoid testing, product testing, and contaminant testing options for each sample you send in. Once you note the material of the sample and how urgently you need testing done, you will be able to select the testing you want done. Our cannabinoid testing includes potency and terpenes, our product testing including density, water activity, acidity, and moisture analysis. For our contaminant testing, we currently offer microbial and residual solvents testing, and will soon be adding heavy metal and pesticide testing to our services.

Once you have filled out this form to completion, you will need to send it in with your samples. We will perform the requested tests with accuracy, and after our testing is done and confirmed by two personnel, we will send you your results and a COA.


A COA is a Certificate of Analysis, which provides you with the sample information, testing method, a summary of the results, conversions, and other important information. Understanding how to read a COA can be difficult, but there are a few elements to pay attention to.

Every single sample receives a Certificate of Analysis, ensuring that the results we provide you are reliable. All of your COAs will also be stored securely online inside our Client Portal if you ever need another copy. If you have questions about reading your COA, please contact us today!

Sample Information

At the top of our COA form, the company name that the sample was prepared for will be listed, as well as information about your sample. This information will include a photo of your sample, the type of material that was sent in, what we were testing for, your sample ID, and other information.


For this particular sample, potency was the only thing tested for, so only a potency analysis is present on the COA. In this analysis, you will see results for 15 cannabinoids and the percentages found in the sample. The LOQ, or limit of quantitation, shows the lowest level at which the cannabinoid can be detected. Your results will be listed next to the LOQ in percentages and mg/g.

Below the analysis, you will see a quick summary of your samples. In this example, total cannabinoids, total THC, and total CBD are listed.

The last two elements that are important to a COA are the laboratory approval signatures at the bottom and the QR code. This QR code provides customers with this information, allowing them to know what they are getting in the hemp products they buy.


If you have hemp samples in any form that you need tested, be sure to choose a laboratory that provides trustworthy, reliable, and accurate results. Agrozen Labs works hard to provide the best testing services. Start by filling out the COC form and sending or dropping your samples off at our lab. We make it easy to get your hemp tested and look forward to working with you!